St. Anne’s Home

During 2019, staff at DSC Attorneys participated in collecting cans of food as part of a “can-a-month” project.

This December, we donated the cans and various other, non-perishable foods to St Anne’s Home in Woodstock, Cape Town.

st anne's donation
st anne's donation

About St. Anne’s Home

St. Anne’s Home is a non-government organization that provides shelter, care, and empowerment for abused, destitute and pregnant mothers and their young children.

The Home was started in 1904, when a group of women from the Anglican Church pitched in to obtain a house for women and girls in need. The demand grew and larger, more suitable premises were acquired.

st anne's home

Today, the Home in Woodstock accommodates 21 women and their young children.

St. Anne’s Home is under the patronage of the Archbishop of the Church of the Province of South Africa.

To find out more about the organization and how you can get involved, please visit St. Anne’s Home website.

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