Distracted Driving

Dashcam footage shows a truck driver in England changing music on his mobile phone seconds before crashing and killing a mother and three children. The driver, Tomasz Kroker, was jailed for 10 years.

Whilst horrifying and deeply saddening, this footage should be seen as yet another cautionary warning for South Africans. We average almost nine times as many road accident fatalities per year as the UK.

Also, a 2013 study found that as many as 41% of South African drivers have texted, emailed or used social media while driving – compared to only 8% in Great Britain.


Contact personal injury law specialists

At DSC Attorneys, we specialise in personal injury claims, Road Accident Fund claims and our medico-legal team has extensive experience in handling medical malpractice claims.

We can assess your claim, help prepare supporting evidence and represent you in legal proceedings, giving you the best chance of receiving the compensation you deserve.

Contact us for the very best legal support and representation. Note that we work on a no win, no fee basis.

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